
Offline promotion can be beneficial if you have a retail store. In addition to standard methods, you can also consider incorporating a customer screen, which is automatically available to all customers in i-Retail.

1.1. How it works

The customer screen is an advertising slider featuring popular products.

In the slider, all products added to the “Deals,” “Bestsellers,” and “New” categories are automatically included (these categories are configurable in the personal dashboard).

The slide rotation occurs every 10 seconds, and slide updates (including changes in product names, images, prices, and availability) happen automatically every 5 minutes.

The slider displays the product’s name, photo, price, and a QR code.

1.2. How to set up

The slider will work when your online store is enabled. To display the slider, simply add “/slide” to the domain of your i-Retail online store.

Для работы экрана покупателя потребуется постоянное подключение к интернету.

1.3. How to use

The customer screen is ideally suited for launching on screens or televisions in common areas. This could be at the cashier’s location within a retail store or even outside the store, such as in common areas of a shopping mall where screens are available for rent.

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