Tips by credit cards are a convenient service that allows guests to leave tips when they don’t have cash on hand.
For employees, this is an additional source of income, and for the company, it enhances customer loyalty.
Tips by credit cards are a convenient service that allows guests to leave tips when they don’t have cash on hand.
For employees, this is an additional source of income, and for the company, it enhances customer loyalty.
Tips can be received both in the establishment’s general balance and in the specific balance of each employee. In the first case, tips will need to be distributed manually among employees, while in the second case, each employee can withdraw their tips independently.
You can view incoming tips in the “Reports” section under “Tip Register.”
You can receive notifications about the incoming tips in another system, such as your establishment’s application. This will be done through a webhook and requires technical configuration on the side of both systems.
To enable such notifications and specify the callback URL, you can do so in your personal cabinet in the “Settings” → “Mass emails and Notifications” section.
You can become a franchisee of our service and earn passive income by inviting people to join our service and receive a percentage of their tips.
Please contact our support to get more about the cooperation possibilities.
No need to download any apps and set up extra hardware.
All tips are received in a convenient personal account, from which they can be withdrawn to a bank account at any time.
However, it seriously depends on the country where you are operating, tips usually are not the point for taxes payments.
Yes, sure. It will works out.
There is no option to check from whom you got the tips. It will be anonymized.